Hi there, my name is Zyxon Ebenflow Elias Guessgendrick Neuman if you can believe it. I was born and raised in upstate NY and like most other people growing up I went with the flow to be normal. But if you’re reading this then obviously my coming of age story didn’t end up like your average Joe’s. Maybe one day I’ll get to share with you the intimate details with you dear reader, until then I’ll say this, the darkest and most uncertain times of my youth directed me towards this uniquely profound heroes journey I find myself on.

Along the way I have cultivated and refined a lot of self awareness, which I believe is crucial in understanding other people’s plights and struggles. Matt Kahn said it this way “Despite how open, peaceful, and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you, as deeply as they’ve met themselves. This is the heart of clarity.”

So it is with a clear heart that I’m sharing with you all the wisdom and gifts I have to offer, whether that be a Flowbreath Session, Exzeenel Evolutionary Experience, Podcast, or Book(s).

I’m excited to assist you on your path of self discovery. I love you and intend for your highest good to be manifest now!